Para te segurar (aguentar) até o almoço | Inglês Todos os Dias #602
No mini-podcast de hoje, vou contar o que sugeri para o meu filho – que estava “morrendo de fome” – comer para aguentar até o almoço. E vamos aprender um phrasal verb que significa “segurar até”, “conseguir aguentar até” ou “me ajudar até” em inglês.
Why don’t you guys drink some juice or something to tide you over until lunch?
Did they get here yet?
Not yet. Why don’t you guys drink some juice or something to tide you over until lunch?
Could you lend me some money to tide me over till the weekend?
Could you lend me $50 to tide me over until I get paid?
Why don’t you guys drink some juice or something to hold you over until supper?
Have another piece of cake, it will tide you over until supper.
So what do you eat to tide you over until supper?
What do you eat to tide you over until supper? Tell us about it in the comments section below.
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